Friday, September 11, 2009

Linux Fundamentals

1. Which one is the text editor?
a. Ls
b. Pico
c. Mk
d. Pwd

2. Linux is a
a. Application software
b. Analyzer
c. System software
d. Hardware package

3. Vi is a
a. Command used in Unix system
b. Text creator in Unix system
c. Editor in Unix system
d. Text editor in Unix system

4. The feature of Linux is
a. Multiuser operating system
b. Timesharing operating system
c. Multitasking operating system
d. All of the above

5. Linux operating system is a combination of
a. Software hardware
b. Only hardware
c. Only software
d. All of the above

6. Which file executes a the time of booting of Linux
a. Init file
b. Boot file
c. Command file
d. Text file

7. What type of file present in Linux system
a. Ordinary file
b. Directory file
c. Device file
d. All

8. Which file is also called regular file
a. Text file
b. Ordinary file
c. Directory file
d. Device file

9. Which file represent all hardware list of Linux system:
a. Ordinary files
b. Extraordinary files
c. Directory files
d. Device files

10. Which command is used to get current directory :
a. ls command
b. home command
c. PWD command
d. Echo command

11. Which is the absolute pathname:
a. kumar/login.sql
b. /user/kumar/login.sql
c. user/kumar/login.sql
d. none

12. Which one is the alternative pathname:
a. kumar/login.sql
b. /user/kumar/login.sql
c. user/kumar/login.sql
d. none

13. How many directory will be generated by the command $mkdir ds ds1 kumar:
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

14. rmdir command is used in Linuw system for:
a. to reconstruct a directory
b. to remove a directory
c. to redefine a directory
d. to reallocate a directory

15. cd stands for:
a. compact disk
b. command directory
c. charge directory
d. central directory

16. Which option of ls command display list in multiple columns:
a. –a option
b. –x option
c. –F option
d. –a F option

17. Which command shows the hidden files of current directory:
a. ls command
b. ls-x command
c. ls-a command
d. ls-F command

18. ascii sorting provided by the ls command with option:
a. –x option
b. –r option
c. –R option
d. –a option

19. Is if possible to use multiple options with one command:
a. Possible but not always
b. Not possible
c. Always possible
d. Wrong question

20. Which command of Dos is equivalent to ls command of Unix:
a. cat
b. mk
c. rd
d. dir

21. Which command provides direct returning to the home directory:
a. cd
b. cd..
c. cd,,
d. cd cd

22. To determine a command we use the short cut:
a. ctrl-d
b. ctrl-z
c. ctrl-alt-del
d. none

23. cp stands for:
a. copy
b. copycon
c. central processor
d. communication programme

24. How can we see the content of a file in Unix in DOS:
a. By cat and by copycon
b. By edit and by cat
c. By copycon and by cat
d. By cat and by edit

25. od command stands for
a. octal of decimal
b. octal display
c. open database
d. octal directory

26. Which option provides recursive listing of all files with ls command:
a. –R option
b. –d option
c. –r option
d. –u option

27. Which command of Unix used for two purpose:
a. rm
b. mv
c. mk
d. rd

28. Which command gives the detail of type file:
a. ls
b. file
c. cat
d. pico

29. For paging output which command is used in DOS and Linux:
a. up
b. continue
c. more
d. again

30. wc stand for:
a. word command
b. word count
c. working current directory
d. none

31. The basic difference between Unix and Linux is :
a. Kernel design
b. Working process
c. Command format
d. No difference

32. Like as Windows, the Linux is developed by the one organization with different versions:
a. Yes, Linux is developed by one organization
b. No, Linux is developed by more than one organization
c. Microsoft is the developer organization of Linux
d. None

33. Linux system calls are directly related with:
a. Hardware
b. Software
c. System software
d. Shell

34. kernel of Linux system:
a. heart of OS
b. not that much important for Linux
c. occupies maximum memory of system
d. all of the above

35. The unix system is controlled by the:
a. Shell variables
b. System variable
c. Environment variable
d. B and C

36. Which file in Linux is equivalent to autoexec,bat in Dos
a. .bat file
b. .profile file
c. .sql file
d. .exe file

37. Mounting process in Linux is related with:
a. Conversion of one file system to other
b. Conversion of one operating system with other
c. Conversion of one .exe to other .exe file
d. Mounting is not the concept of Linux

38. Which is the correct statement:
a. ./ is parent of ../
b. ../ is parent of ./
c. / is child of ./
d. None

39. Which OS is more secure:
a. Win98
b. Win XP
c. Unix
d. Win NT

40. How to execute C program in Unix:
a. By ctrl-f9 shortcut key
b. By alt-f9 shortcut key
c. By gcc command
d. By ./a.out command

41. The package of C for Unix and Windows are:
a. Same
b. Different
c. Not always same
d. Always different

42. Shell programming in Unix/Linux is:
a. Collection of commands
b. Collection of variables
c. Collection of variables and commands
d. Collection of user defined variables, commands and system variables

43. What is LILO;
a. Last in last out
b. Linux loader
c. UNIX line Printer
d. Last in Linux operand

44. Which command is used for Linux partition:
a. ddisk
b. fdisk
c. xdisk
d. zdisk

45. Most suitable swap memory size in Linux partition is:
a. 100MB
b. 10MB
c. 500MB
d. 50MB

46. Minimum memory required to make a basic Unix OS:
a. 2 MB
b. 5 MB
c. 50 MB
d. 500 MB

47. Which command is used to compare two files in Unix system:
a. comm.
b. cmp
c. comp
d. compare

48. diff command is used for
a. comparing two files
b. converting one file to other
c. differentiate two files
d. none

49. Pr stands for;
a. Printing
b. Page repeat
c. Program
d. Presentation

50. Head-3 emp-list will print:
a. First 3 characters of emp,lst
b. First 3 lines of emp.lst
c. First 3 lines and last 3 lines of emp.lst
d. First characters and last 3 characters of emo.lst


1. b 2. c 3. c 4. d 5. c
6. a 7. d 8. b 9. d 10. c
11. b 12. a 13. c 14. b 15. c
16. b 17. c 18. b 19. c 20. d
21. c 22. a 23. a 24. a 25. b
26. a 27. b 28. b 29. c 30. b
31. a 32. b 33. a 34. a 35. d
36. b 37. a 38. b 39. d 40. d
41. d 42. d 43. b 44. b 45. c
46. a 47. b 48. c 49. a 50. b

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