Showing posts with label Fundamental Research. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fundamental Research. Show all posts

Friday, September 03, 2021

Types in Research Methodology

Research methods are classified based on different criteria. They are of various kinds, nature of the study, the objective of the study, and the research design. There are case studies and interviews depends on research methodology. In some research studies, two or more methods are clubbed, while in some, very few methods are taken to study.


Based on General Category,

1. Quantitative Research

Quantitative means the numbers where data is gathered based on numbers, and a summary is taken based on these numbers. Graphs and statistics help to quantify the results in quantitative research.

2. Qualitative Research

Qualitative means the non- numerical data in the research. When the data cannot be understood in terms of numbers, qualitative research comes to rescue the researcher. Though unreliable as much as quantitative, qualitative research method helps to make a better summary in terms of theory of information.


Based on the nature of the research,

3. Descriptive Research

Facts and figures are considerable in descriptive methods and surveys and case studies are done to verify the facts. This helps to figure out and explain with the examples, the facts, and they are not rejected. Many parameters can be used in descriptive research methods to explain the facts.

4. Analytical Research

Analytical research method uses the facts that have been verified, which are already used to make the fundamental basis for the research and critical evaluation of the research material is carried out in this method. Analytical methods make use of quantitative methods, also.


Based on the purpose of the study,

5. Applied Research

Applied research method is action and implementation research where only one area of research is considered and the facts and figures are generalized. Variables or parameters are considered constant and forecasting is made so that the methods can be implemented easily in applied research. The technical language is used in this research method and the summary is made on technical facts and figures.

6. Fundamental Research

Fundamental research method is purely basic research done to determine an element or a theory that has never been in the world, until. Several domains and area are connected and the purpose is to determine how conventional things can be modified or something new can be developed. The summary is basically in common understandable language and logical findings are applicable in the research.


Based on research design,

7. Exploratory Research

Exploratory research studies are based on the theories and the detailed explanation and it does not give any conclusion for the research topic. The structure is improper and the methods offer a flexible and investigative strategy for the study. The hypothesis is not tested and the result will not be of much useful to the world. The findings will be topic related that helps in determining more in the research.

8. Conclusive Research

The purpose of conclusive Research method is providing an answer to the questions asked in research topic and has a proper design framework in the methodology. A well-designed framework helps in formulating and solving the hypotheses and report the results. The results will be unique and general, and help the outside world. Researchers will have an inner pleasure to resolve the problem issue and to help society.

9. Surveys

Surveys plays an important role in the research methodology. It helps to gather a vast amount of real-time data which is useful in the research process. It is done at a low cost and can be done comparatively faster than any other method. Surveys is conducted in both quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative surveys are considered above qualitative surveys as they give numerical outputs or result and the data is real. Surveys are mainly used in the business to know the demand and supply of a product in the market and to forecast the production depending on the results from the survey.

10. Case Studies

Case studies method of research methodology where different cases are studied and the genuine one is selected for the research. Case studies used to form an idea of the research and helps in the fundamental base of the research. Various facts and figures are considered from the case studies that used to make genuine reviews about the research topic. Researchers can make the topic general or can make specific based on the literature reviews from the studies. A general understanding of the research can be made from the case study.

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