Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Analysis and Design of Algorithm Question bank with objective type

Objective Type Questions:
1. The time complexity of an algorithm quantifies the amount of time taken by an algorithm to run according to ____.
a. number of space                                                                                              b. number of inputs
c. number of outputs                                                                                          d. number of characters

2. Which is not a criterion of algorithm design?
a. Finiteness                                                                                                         b. Durability        
c. Definiteness                                                                                                     d. Efficient

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Quiz on Theory of Computation

1.   Which string is not accepted by the following FSA?
      a. 00110                b. 01010                      c. 11010                                           d. 00111
2.   Consider the following language L = {anbn|n ≥ 1} then  L is
      a.  regular              b. CSL but not CFL                c.  CFL but not regular        d. type 0 language but not type 1

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