Showing posts with label ORACLE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ORACLE. Show all posts

Friday, October 09, 2020

Database Management System Multiple choice questions

1) In the context of data warehousing, data map or ‘data about data’ is known as …………….
a) tuple
b) attribute
c) metadata
d) teradata

2) Which of the following normal form deals with the anomaly of multivalue dependency?
a) 1NF
b) 2NF
c) 4NF
d) 5NF

3) Which of the following normal form deals with the repeating group anomaly?
a) 1NF
b) 2NF
c) 4NF
d) 5NF

4) …………… is a database language used to define data structures in SQL?
a) Sybase
b) Oracle
c) DDL
d) MySQL

5) The ………………… is a database file that contains metadata.
a) data index
b) data repository
c) data dictionary
d) none

6)Which of the following is not the state of a transaction in the database?
a) Active
b) Committed
c) Terminated
d) Nullified

7) The …………… file saves the recovery scenario in Quick Test Professional (QTP) environment
a) QRS
c) DOC
d) TSR

8) Which of the following is not a command is SQL?

9) How should we traverse an oracle database to retrieve a row in the quickest possible time?
a) Full table scan
b) Unique index
c) Primary key
d) Table access by row id

10) Which of the following is a concurrency control protocol?
a) Locked-based protocol
b) two-phase locking protocol
c) Timestamp ordering protocol
d) all

11) Which of the following normal forms deals with the anomaly of partial functional dependency on the composite key?
a) 1NF
b) 2NF
c) 4NF
d) 5NF

12) ………………… represents the structure of the database in a formal language acceptable by the DBMS.
a) Database schema
b) ER diagram
c) Database table
d) None

13) Which of the following statements are used to create indexes in the database?
d) None’

14)Which of the following is a database recovery technique?
a) Check-pointing
b) Transaction rollback
c) Shadow paging
d) All

15)Which of the following is a foreing key constraint?
a)Referential integrity
b) Domain integrity
c) Entity integrity
d) All

16) Which of the following trains are important to select a primary key?
a) Unique
b) Not Null
c) Fully functional dependency
d) Indexed
e) All

17) What are various types of DBMS?
b) Client server DBMS
c) Distributed DBMS
e) All

18) Which of the following are the types of integrity constraints enforced by RDBMS?
a) Entity integrity
b) Domain integrity
c) Referential integrity
d) All

19) The data model which describes how the data is actually stored is :
a) internal model
b) external model
c) logical model
d) none of these

20) Data about data is normally termed as :
a) directory
b) data bank
c) meta data
d) none of the above

21. In an object-oriented model, one object can access data of another object by passing:
a. Instance variable
b. Message
c. Variable
d. None of these

22. A view of database that appears to an application program is known as:
a. Schema
b. Subschema
c. virtual table
d. none of the above

23. An abstraction concept for building composite object from their component object is called:
a. Specialization
b. Normalization
c. Generalization
d. Aggregation

24. A set of objects that share a common structure and
a common behavior is called:
a. Object
b. Class
c. Entity
d. None of these

25. Every weak entity set can be converted into a strong entity set by:
a. using generalization
b. adding appropriate attributes
c. using aggregation
d. none of the above

26. The number of entities to which another entity can be associated via a relationship set is expressed as:
a. Entity
b. Cardinality
c. Schema
d. Attributes

27. Relations produced from an E-R model will always be in:
a. First normal form
b. Second normal form
c. Third normal form
d. Fourth normal form

28. In ER model the details of the entities are hidden from the user. This process is called:
a. Generalization
b. Specialization
c. Abstraction
d. none of these above

29. The file organization that provides very fast access to any arbitrary record of a file is:
a. Ordered file
b. Unordered file
c. Hashed file
d. B-tree

30. What is not true about a view?
a. It is a definition of a restricted portion of the database
b. It is a security mechanism
c. It is always updatable like any other table
d. All are true

31. In a relational database a referential integrity constraint can be specified with the help of
a. primary key
b. foreign key
c. secondary key
d. none of the above

32. A super key is a set of one or more attributes that, taken collectively, allow us
a. to identify uniquely an entity in the entityset
b. to make the key most powerful for fasterretrieval
c. to increase effectiveness of database access
d. none of the above

33. 4NF is designed to cope with:
a. Transitive dependency
b. Join dependency
c. Multi valued dependency
d. None of these

34. Every Boyee-Codd normal form is in
a. First normal form
b. Second normal form
c. Third normal form
d. All of the above

35. Which command is used to remove all rows from a table?
a. Delete
b. Remove
c. Truncate
d. Both [A] and [B]

36. Which of the following is an aggregate function in SQL?
a. Union
b. Like
c. Group By
d. Max

37. Which command is used to add a column to an existing table?
a. Create
b. Update
d. None of these

38. A deadlock exists in the system if and only if the wait for graph:
a. has a cycle in it
b. has a path from first node to last node
c. is a tree
d. none of the above

39. Rollback of transactions is normally used to:
a. recover from transaction failure
b. update the transaction
c. retrieve old records
d. repeat a transaction

40. Prevention of access to the database by unauthorized users is referred to as:
a. Integrity
b. Productivity
c. Security
d. Reliability

Saturday, May 13, 2017


1. Which of the following are components of Central Processing Unit (CPU)?
A.                 Arithmetic logic unit, Mouse
B.                 Arithmetic logic unit, Control unit
C.                  Arithmetic logic unit, Integrated Circuits
D.                 Control Unit, Monitor

2. If a computer provides database services to other, then it will be known as?

A.                 Web server
B.                 Application server
C.                  Database server
D.                 FTP server

3. In which of the following form, data is stored in computer?

A.                 Decimal
B.                 Binary
C.                  HexaDecimal
D.                 Octal

4. Who was the father of Internet?

A.                 Charles Babbage
B.                 Vint Cerf
C.                  Denis Riche
D.                 Martin Cooper

5. What is the name of first super computer of India?

A.                 Saga 220
B.                 PARAM 8000
C.                  ENIAC
D.                 PARAM 6000

6. Which is most common language used in web designing?

A.                 C
B.                 C++
C.                  PHP
D.                 HTML

7. Which among following is odd?

A.                 CD/DVD
B.                 Floppy Disks
C.                  SD Disk
D.                 BIOS

8. Which program is run by BIOS to check hardware components are working? 

A.                 DMOS
B.                 POST
C.                  CMOS
D.                 RIP


9. MPG is a file extension of which type of files?

A.                 Audio
B.                 Image
C.                  Video
D.                 Flash

10. 1 Mega Byte is equal to

A.                 1024 Bytes
B.                 1024 Kilo Bytes
C.                  1024 Giga Bits
D.                 1024 Bits

11.  IP address version 4 is in which format?

A.                 4 bit
B.                 8 bit
C.                  16 bit
D.                 32 bit

12. Who invented C++?

A.                 Steve Jobs
B.                 James Gosling
C.                  Bjarne Stroustrup
D.                 Dennis Ritchie

13. One nibble is equal to how many bits?

A.                 4 bits
B.                 8 bits
C.                  12 bits
D.                 16 bits


14. Which term is related to database?

A.                 PHP
B.                 Java
C.                  Oracle
D.                 Assembly

15. Who invented Java?

A.                 Deniss Ritche
B.                 James Gosling
C.                  Bajarnae
D.                 Linus Torvalds


16. What is full form of HTTP?

A.                 Hyper Transfer Text Protocol
B.                 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
C.                  Hexagonal Text Transfer Protocol
D.                 Hexagonal Text Transfer Prototype


17. What is the name of a device that converts digital signals to analog signals?

A.                 Router
B.                 Switch
C.                  Modem
D.                 None of above


18. C is what kind of language?

A.                 An assembly language
B.                 A third generation high level language
C.                  A machine language
D.                 Future language

19. Which of the following is a non-volatile memory?

A.                 RAM
B.                 LSI
C.                  VLSI
D.                 ROM

20.  Which is not an operating System?

A.                 Unix
B.                 Linux
C.                  Windows
D.                 Java

21. ++i is equivalent to

A.                 i = i + 2
B.                 i = i + 1
C.                  i = i + i
D.                 i = i - 1


22. Minimum number of stacks of size n required to implement a queue of size n

A.                 One
B.                 Two
C.                  Three
D.                 Four

23. Recursive problem is implemented by

A.                 queues
B.                 stacks
C.                  linked lists
D.                 strings

24. Which of the following name does not relate to stacks?

A.                 FIFO lists
B.                 LIFO list
C.                  Pile
D.                 Push-down lists

Which of the following data structure is linear data structure?

A.                 Trees
B.                 Graphs
C.                  Array
D.                 None of above


26. Attribute of one table matching to the primary key of other table, is called as

A.                 foreign key
B.                 secondary key
C.                  candidate key
D.                 composite key

27. Ascending order of data hierarchy is

A.                 bit->byte->record->field->file->database
B.                 bit->byte->field->record->file->database
C.                  byte->bit->field->record->file->database
D.                 byte->bit->field->file->record->database

28. Data dictionary is a special file that contains

A.                 the names of all fields in all files
B.                 the data types of all fields of all files
C.                  Both of above
D.                 None of above


29. Which of following the problem of thrashing is significantly affected?

A.                 program size
B.                 program structure
C.                  primary storage
D.                 secondary storage

30. Which of following need a device driver

A.                 Cache
B.                 Disk
C.                  Main Memory
D.                 Registers

31. Which of following is not an advantage of multiprogramming?

A.                 increased throughput
B.                 shorter response time
C.                  ability to assign priorities of jobs
D.                 decreased system overload

32. Which of the following memory allocation scheme is subject to external fragmentation?

A.                 Segmentation
B.                 Swapping
C.                  Demand Paging
D.                 Multiple Contiguous Fixed Partition 


33. Spooling is most beneficial where

A.                 Jobs are I/O bound
B.                 Jobs are CPU bound
C.                  Jobs are evenly divided as I/O bound and CPU bound
D.                 All of above

34. In which of the following usually a front end processor is used?

A.                 Virtual storage
B.                 Timesharing
C.                  Multiprogramming
D.                 Multithreading


35. Banker's algorithm for resource allocation deals with?

A.                 deadlock prevention
B.                 deadlock avoidance
C.                  deadlock recovery
D.                 circular wait


36. Which scheduling policy is most suitable for time shared operating system?

A.                 Shortest job first
B.                 FCFS
C.                  LCFS
D.                 Round robin

37. Belady anomaly occurs in?

A.                 LIFO
B.                 FIFO
C.                  LRU
D.                 NRU

38. What is a page fault?

A.                 is an spelling error in a page in memory
B.                 reference to a page which is in another program
C.                  is an access to a page not currently in memory
D.                 always occurs whenever a page is accessed from memory

39. Break statement is used for

A.                 Quit a program
B.                 Quit the current iteration
C.                  Both of above
D.                 None of above


40. Continue statement used for

A.                 To continue to the next line of code
B.                 To stop the current iteration and begin the next iteration from the beginning
C.                  To handle run time error
D.                 None of above

41. What will be output of
void main()
char test =`S`;

A.                 S
B.                 Error
C.                  Garbage value
D.                 None of above


42. What will be the output of following program
int x,y = 10;
x = y * NULL;

A.                 error
B.                 0
C.                  10
D.                 Garbage value


43. Difference between calloc() and malloc()

A.                 calloc() takes a single argument while malloc() needs two arguments
B.                 malloc() takes a single argument while calloc() needs two arguments
C.                  malloc() initializes the allocated memory to ZERO
D.                 calloc() initializes the allocated memory to NULL


44. total number of keywords in C are

A.                 30
B.                 32
C.                  48
D.                 132

45. Which operator in c++ can't be overloaded

A.                 %
B.                 +
C.                  ::
D.                 -

46. Which operator has the highest priority

A.                 ()
B.                 []
C.                  *
D.                 /

47. Difference between structure and union is

A.                 We can define functions within structures but not within a union
B.                 We can define functions within union but not within a structure
C.                  The way memory is allocated
D.                 There is no difference

48.  printf() belongs to which library of c

A.                 stdlib.h
B.                 stdio.h
C.                  stdout.h
D.                 stdoutput.h


49. All members of class have which DEFAULT access to its members

A.                 private
B.                 public
C.                  protected
D.                 depends

50. Constructor is

A.                 A class automatically called whenever a new object of this class is created
B.                 A class automatically called whenever a new object of this class is destroyed
C.                  A function automatically called whenever a new object of this class is created
D.                 A function automatically called whenever a new object of this class is destroyed

51. Which of the following cannot be inherited from the base class

A.                 Constructor
B.                 Friend
C.                  Both A and B cannot be inherited
D.                 Both A and B can be inherited

52. What is the value of sizeof(char)

A.                 1
B.                 2
C.                  4
D.                 8

53. Which arithmetic operation can be done in pointer

A.                 Multiplication
B.                 Division
C.                  Addition
D.                 None of above

54. What is inheritance

A.                 Inheritance allows one class to reuse the state and behavior of another class.
B.                 It deals with dangling pointers
C.                  It deals with void pointers
D.                 It is type of class declaration

55. What is abstract class

A.                 Whose objects can’t be created
B.                 Whose objects can be created
C.                  Depends on class
D.                 None of above

56. What is polymorphism

A.                 Ability to take more than one form
B.                 Ability to destroy destructor
C.                  Ability to create constructor
D.                 None of above

57. OSI reference model has how many layers

A.                 4
B.                 5
C.                  7
D.                 3

58. Framing is done on which layer

A.                 Datalink Layer
B.                 Physical Layer
C.                  Transport Layer
D.                 Application Layer


59. Which layer deals with Flow control

A.                 Session Layer
B.                 Network Layer
C.                  Transport Layer
D.                 Application Layer

60. MAC address is of how many bits

A.                 24 bit
B.                 32 bit
C.                  48 bit

D.                 128 bit

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