Sunday, November 29, 2009

Computer Network-IV

Q.1 What is protocol? How many types of protocols are there?
Ans. When computers communicate each other, there needs to be a common set of rules and instructions that each computer follows. A specific set of communication rules is called a protocol.
Some protocol: PPP, HTTP, SLIP, FTP, TCP/IP

Q.2 What is the difference between Networking and Remote Networking?
Ans. The main difference between Networking and Remote Networking, is the network which we use in offices or other places locally such LAN or INTERNET and remote networking is one which we use TERMINAL Services to communicate with the remote users such WAN.

Q.3 What is point-to-point protocol?
Ans. A communication protocol used to connect computer to remote networking services include Internet Service Providers. In networking, the Point-to-Point protocol is commonly used to establish a direct connection between two nodes. Its primary use has been to connect computers using a phone line.

Q.4 How gateway is different from router?
Ans. A gateway operates at the upper levels of the OSI model and translates information between two completely different network architectures. Routers allow different networks to communicate with each other. They forward packets from one network to another based on network layer information. A gateway can interpret and translate the different protocols that are used on two distinct networks. Unlike routers that successfully connect networks with protocols that are similar, a gateway perform an application layer conversion of information from one protocol stack to another.

Q.5 What is the role of network administrator?
Ans. Basic tasks for which a network administrator may be responsible:
Setting up and configuring network hardware and software.
Installing and configuring network media and connections.
Connecting user nodes and peripherals of all kinds to the network. 
Adding users to and removing users from the network.
Managing user account.
Ensuring the security of the network.
Provide training to the users to utilize the network’s resources.

Q.6 What is the difference between baseband and broadband transmission?
Ans. Baseband is a bi-directional transmission while broadband is a unidirectional transmission.
No Frequency division multiplexing possible in base band but possible in broadband.
Entire bandwidth of the cable is consumed by a signal
broadband transmission, signals are sent on multiple frequencies, allowing multiple signals to be sent simultaneously.
Digital signals
Analog signals
bi-directional transmission
unidirectional transmission
No Frequency division multiplexing possible
Frequency division multiplexing possible
Uses for short distance
Uses for long distance

Q.7 What are the difference between domain and workgroup?
One or more computers are servers
All Computers are peers.
If you have a user account on the domain, you can logon to any computer on the domain.
Each computer has a set of accounts.
There can be 100+ computers
Typically not more then 20-30 computers
The computers can be on different local network
All computers must be on the same local netork.

Q.8 What is the differences between POP3 and IMAP Mail Server?
Ans. IMAP is a standard protocol for accessing e-mail from a local server. A simpler e-mail protocol is Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3), which download mail to the computer and does not maintain the mail on the server.
IMAP, e-mails are stored on the server, while in POP3, the messages are transferred to the client’s computer when they are read.

Q.10 Name different layer of the ISO OSI Model.
Ans. International Standard Orrganisation – Open Systems Interconnection has seven layers;
Physical Layer
Data Link Layer
Network Layer
Transport Layer
Session Layer
Presentation Layer
Application Layer

Q.11 What is client server architecture?
Ans. To designated a particular node which is well known and fixed address, to provide a service to the network as a whole. The node providing the service is known as the server and the nodes that use that services are called clients of that server. This type of network is called Client-Server Architecture.

Q.12 What is FDM? Give example.
Ans. FDM-Frequency Division Multiplexing is used in analog transmission. It is often used in short distance. It is code transparent and any terminal of the same speed can use the same sub-channel after the sub-channel is established. The best example if FDM is the way we receive various stations in a radio.

Q.13 Describe the following in brief:
            i) MOSAIC                  ii) USENET                  iii) WAIS
Ans. i) MOSAIC: is the program for cruising the internet. The National centre wrote this program for Super Computer application at the university of Illinois. It has a simple window interface, which creates useful hypertext links that automatically perform some of the menu bar and button functions.
ii) USENET: is the way to meet people and share information. Usenet newsgroup is a special group set up by people who want to share common interests ranging from current topic to cultural heritages.


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